Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning and Students Study Habits free essay sample

This chapter included relevant sources of information from foreign literature, local literature, foreign studies and local studies which tackle the existing activities that promote good study habits. This will be a guide to the research about the said topic presented in the next chapters. Foreign Literature According to Pogue (2000), what is true about study habits was that more than thirty years ago still rings true today-students fail because they do not know how to study. The best advice he can give is to adevelop sound study skills. It’s a common scene if some college students fail to finish a passing requirement for a subject course. What is lacking is their ignorance of developing good study habits that are necessary for good academic performance. And to worsen their ignorance are their psychological conception of giving up so easily and the tempting distractions of the surrounding that lead them to a zero percent possibility of creating their own ideal habits. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning and Students Study Habits or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So, it has become a major trouble to college students who are known to be suffocated with loads of works from school. To elaborate more about sound study habits, Rothkopf (1982) referred to it as to whether students study at the same time each day, whether they shut off radio, television while reading and whether they paraphrase and write down what they have read during the practical instructions. Study habit also describes some external activities which serve to activate and facilitate the internal process of learning. Study habit is the daily routine of students with regards to their academic duties and responsibilities. Each student has his own study habits varying on his preferences with the place and time of studying, techniques in studying and more. It will depend upon the person if he will not get bored to browse notes and can procrastinate (postpone doing something) the distractions such as social networking, media exposure, Local Related Study in Study Habits Related Studies Foreign On Study Habits The first Study Habits Inventory (SRI) was prepared in 1933 by Wrenn, with a view to survey this feature among students. In 1935 research workers interested in the improvement of study habits, they paid attention to the discovery of effective study techniques and tried to improve study skills and habits of work through ‘how to study’ courses and other systematic procedures. Cuff (1937) carefully derived study-habits inventory and found that it aids in finding the pupils in need of special guidance and helps to identify remedial work for the good and bad study habits of individual cases. Brown and Holtzman (1955) constructed a questionnaire to survey students ‘study habits, as well as their attitudes and motivation towards academic work. Items were compiled from group interviews with good and poor students, existing inventories on study habits, studies using observational and interview techniques and reports on related experiments in the field of learning. Scoring keys based on validity studies in ten colleges were developed. Study habits basically consist of effective methods of study (Sorenson, 1954). Study is the total of all the habits, determined purposes and enforced practices that the individual uses in order to learn. Study is hard work, no easy substitute is available (Armstrong, 1956), Brown and Holtzman (1956) and Srivastava (1967) point out that for good academic success, good study habits and attitudes are important. Some reports stress that certain personality characteristics such as attitudes, set and motivation towards scholastic activity are related to achievement rather than

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